How do I clean the charging contacts on my Flex?

Your tracker’s charging contacts may be obstructed by microscopic dirt or debris that prevents them from making a good connection to the charger. You can see the dirty contacts in the following photo.

How do I clean the charging contacts on my Flex?

To clean the charging contacts, follow the steps below or watch a video.

How do I clean the charging contacts on my Flex?

Your tracker's charging contacts may be obstructed by microscopic dirt or debris that prevents them from making a good connection to the charger. You can see the dirty contacts in the following photo.


Use a toothpick to dislodge debris.

How do I clean the charging contacts on my Flex?


Alternatively, you can clean the contacts with a small amount of rubbing alcohol and a toothbrush. Avoid using any metal or a wire brush against the contacts.

How do I clean the charging contacts on my Flex?


If you brush the charging contacts, dry with a cloth or tissue and insert the tracker into the charger. The tracker contacts should be bronze or gold in color.

How do I clean the charging contacts on my Flex?


If residue is still present, repeat.

Note that it may also be necessary to clean the pins on the charging cable. To do so, soak a cotton swab with alcohol and press the swab to the pins carefully. Make sure that no debris from the swab is left behind.

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