Have you ever heard about eczema in babies? It is not simple an itching feeling in skin but will lead to the skin inflammation causing dry skin and peeling off. Now, let us discover about the reason to know how to treat and prevent when the babies got eczema.
What is Eczema and what disvantages that baby eczema causes to their health?
Eczema in babies is a skin condition that happens in about one five babies and make the baby’s skin dry, sensitive, easy to get itchy, red, scaly patches. In the present, people haven’t found the exact reason caused this disease but it seems to be always happen to babies in the family has a history of allergy, asthma and hay fever.
Eczema in babies
There are two popular kinds of Eczema in babies as:
- Dry, easily irritated skin: the skin of babies become red, itching, inflammable and scaly. When scratching, there will occur the rift and snatchy line in the skin lead to the secondary infection and becomes scarred.
- Eczema caused by chemicals such as: nike, shampoos, washing powders and the fabric softeners…
How can we treat and prevent the dangers that the baby eczema causes?
There are 5 main aspects of treating and prevent eczema in babies that you could do:
- Avoid dry skin: this seems to be the simple but very important step to minimize your child eczema. You need to do this following things as your daily routine action:
+ Lukewarm baths: hot water with soap can dry your skin and make the eczema worse so let your baby play and soak in the lukewarm baths.
+ Do not rub dry your towels.
+ Use moisturizing soap with no perfume instead of plain soap.
+ Use moisturizing body lotion for two or four times per day, especially in the affected area.
Have a bath without plain soup and lukewarm water
- Avoid skin irritants by:
+ Use cotton clothing, don’t use wool and synthetic materials because they will be more abrasive and irritating to skin.
+ Use cotton and soft blanket, towels.
+ Wash new clothes before using to get out the chemicals from the manufacturing process to prevent baby dermatitis.
+ Maintain your home in humidity of 25 to 40 percent. You could buy a humidity gauge and use during winter months as well as use periodically in summer months.
+ Shower or bath after your child plays in grass or engages in the sports.
+ Do not use: perfumed or scented lotion, bubble bath.
- Avoid allergic triggers as:
+ Food allergies: milk, egg, soil, peanuts, fish and wheat. You should eliminate all above food in 2 to 3 weeks and see dramatic improvement and then, re-introduce each food one as a time to determine which food causes the allergy.
+ Environmental allergies as: pet, dust, pollens…
- To control the itching the baby eczema causes:
+ Keep fingernail cut short and clean to avoid the bacterias live under the babies nail and skin get pushed deeper into the rash and lessen the trauma to the skin.
+ Wear long sleeves and pants, weather permitting to keep their skin covered as they can’t scratch much.
+ Use medications to reduce baby dermatitis: the effective way to control the itching . Remember that, when using the medications, don’t automatically give the babies medicine everyday. When the eczema is under your control, the rash is mild and your children have little or no itching, let them have a break from the medications.
- Topical steroid cortisone cream: these creams will minimize the crash and itching that the baby eczema causes. There are many various creams with strength from the extremely mild over the counter hydro cortisone cream to mild, medium. You should use after a bath, apply the cream to the slightly damp skin and apply the steroid cream before applying the moisturizer. You shouldn’t keep using the same strength cream until the rash is gone, when you see the rash, step down to a weaker cream.
Use the creams to minimize the crash and itching
You should be aware that the baby eczema causes the sensitive skin that are very susceptible to bacterial skin infection, especially in the area where the rash becomes worst. For most children, eczema improves during the childhood and may always have a very slight with dry skin but the majority of the children grow up with very little inconvenience of this condition. For the above reason, you don’t need to be too worried. Incase of you think they need for more help, ask the doctor about the counselling. I think that will be alright. The last, wish your babies strong!